Monthly Archives: October 2013

Printing Ladybugs


Since my experience at Norfolk park I have been engrossed in the idea of ladybugs (ladybirds), whichever you’d like to call them.

So I decided to experiment with one colour printing (which I learned how to do through my printmaking workshop) with a drawing I made of a ladybug. Below are some examples of my experimentation:

Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 Experiment 4 Experiment 5 Experiment 6.1 Experiment 6.2 Experiment 7 Experiment 8 Experiment 9 Experiment 10 Experiment 11

I tried different colours, different types of paper, and different sizes of the printed ladybug.

I had a lot of fun with this and I’m hoping to push these ideas to a well rounded project/final piece!

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Ladybug Overload (Sketchbook)


Ladybug spider diagram Lady bug drawings

Consumed by the thought of Ladybugs. Some images of my sketchbook workings out to try get my head around this idea.

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Venice is just around the corner (10 days away to be exact) and I am SO excited.

Having a recent meeting about the course trip got me thinking about all the art and information we’ll be exposed to, as well as a new place. But it also got me dreading the work we’ll be expected to do after.

Lesley Guy, PAP IT session leader works for Earlier today she showed us this website they created just for artists who will be visiting the 55th Venice Biennale! I figure some pre-trip research could be helpful.

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Norfolk Park


Last Thursday I went for a run around Norfolk Park, Sheffield. If you’ve never been to Norfolk Park, there is an old archway at the top which overlooks Sheffield. While I was under it stretching I noticed that the archway was covered in ladybugs! It was absolutly amazing and made me see how magical nature can be. The other day I was thinking that Norfolk Park would be a great place to get married and the flock of ladybugs to this place just confirmed this to be a good idea. There is a superstition that when a ladybug lands on you, it flys away in the direction of your true love. I believe in this superstition.
This experience gave me inspiration to create artwork around the theme of nature, specifically ladybugs. Perhaps I could create this photo from Summer into a print. Or maybe draw and paint cartoon ladybugs which could be printed. I could add the aspect of collage into this also.
I’m really excited to create artwork now!

Digital Photograph. Summer 2013

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