Monthly Archives: February 2014

Upcoming Exhibition

At the beginning of April 2014, a group of fellow BA Fine Art students and I have to organise, set up and hold an exhibition of our work.
I’ve been researching artists, exploring processes and techniques, and experimenting with ideas to create work for this exhibition.
I think now I have an idea. We have found a decently large space (see photos below), therefore I’m hoping to have two pieces.

Castle House. So excited to use this amazing space! Thank you to Ms. Anne Marie Holmes, BA Photography, for the contact information of the wonderful person in charge here.

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My initial statement about these works is;

“My practice looks at techniques and processes involved in creating works which balance between abstraction and representation. Through 2D mediums such as paintings and printing, I create collages which embody emotions, memories and location through colour and suggestive motifs.”

I plan to make two works, one large, the other quite small, which look at all the above aspects.

I’ve experimented both with bold block colours…


and paint transfers onto different types of paper…

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These are oil paint transfers onto tracing paper. I love how the paint reacts with the tracing paper and creates a ‘water’ texture. Much like rain on a window.

I’ve also done paint transfers onto previously done screen prints…

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I plan to take this paint transfer technique into my larger piece.

I’m really excited to create these works for our exhibition and watch as everything falls into place!

Opening potentially in 38 days!!

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The Miracle Tree

Artist John Newling speaks about his Moringa Oleifera Tree.
I saw his work originally at Nottingham Contemporary last year and absolutly love it. His slight engagement with science, mostly for his own interest, connects with my Art and Science Context module this year.

Moringa Leaf

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