Tag Archives: Caribbean

The Caribbean Sea (2014)


06:46  2014
Acrylic Paint on MDF board


06:46 (detail) 2014
Acrylic Paint on MDF board


12:28 2014
Acrylic Paint on MDF board


12:28 (detail) 2014
Acrylic Paint on MDF board


18:32 2014
Acrylic Paint on MDF board


18:32 (detail) 2014
Acrylic Paint on MDF board

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Upcoming Exhibition Update

The other day,  (25.02.14) I had a tutorial with Chloe, where I asked her about how to insure my work and research is cohesive, but more importantly about my idea for the Exhibition (as explained in the pervious post, Upcoming Exhibition).

Basically, she advised me away from this idea because it was too literal, and to be honest I was more interested in another idea I’d been exploring at the time.

Over Christmas I had an idea to create paintings of just pure colour with an emotion or experience in mind. Originally thinking of this idea, I had my Norfolk park experience in mind.

Sketchbook page

Above is a scanned page of my sketchbook with original ideas, followed by a final painting of one of these sketches.

I found this idea to be quite successful, and so did Chloe. I had said this idea to Yuen as well, who also liked it and got quite excited about it! I think I got distracted with the other idea because of the painting workshop I’ve been going to, an idea which I plan to store away for another day.

With this idea I wanted to have aspects of the Caribbean as well, therefore I’ve been thinking about sunsets, sunrises, and particularly landscape/horizon images of the Cayman Islands.

I tried it first with just thinking about the ocean.

Sketchbook page - idea!

Sketchbook page 2 sea paintings 2???????????????????????????????

Chloe saw this piece, which originally I was going to fill in completely with colour, like I have in my sketchbook, however she said there is strength in the breaking of the colour. White space adds depth and perspective in the image and can force the eye to see a ‘distance’. The above piece is not the best example of this, because when I started it, that was not my intention.

I plan to do more of these. I do enjoy this more defined and specific way of working. I feel like, as an artist, I have more control over the outcome of what the piece will become. In addition, I’ve been working with acrylics, which I absolutely love working with.

Also, this work can progress so far and in lots of different ways but still sticking true to the original, basic idea.

Visualization from a distance.

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